Things to Consider When Finding an Inexpensive American Bo Forms 1 and 2 by Master James Holan
I will have to say in all the years of using the internet and buying a lot of things online Ebay has to be one of the easiest and cheapest ways of buying online.
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You will find it incredibly enjoyable but you will also find some great bargains that you may never see anywhere else.
Thats it, enjoy.
Summary: Can find great bargains, and make money on your old stuff
I have left some auction prices below for American Bo Forms 1 and 2 by Master James Holan and other items you may be interested in.
Click Picture Below to see great prices for American Bo Forms 1 and 2 by Master James Holan on Ebay:
Product Details:
American Bo Forms 1 and 2 by Master James Holan:
Master Holan provides expert instruction on American Style Bo. On the DVD you will be taught several bo techniques perfect for beginner to advanced level. You will also be taught 2 competition katas. Kata are taught both slow motion and regular speed from and from forward and reverse views. You can win in today's modern competitions with the 2 traditional katas taught with the American Style twist and spins.
60 min.
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