Friday, January 2, 2009

Stephen Lynch - Live at The El Rey Review!

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Comedian Stephen Lynch brings his guitar, choirboy-sweet voice, and sardonic (often bawdy) songs before an appreciative audience in the wacky Stephen Lynch: Live at the El Rey. Setting the tone with "Not Home," in which Lynch testifies to the glories of pleasuring himself with his lover's undergarments, the comic digs an ever-deeper hole (in a good way, of course) with an ode to ugly newborns in "Baby," cheerfully recalls sexual abuse at the hands of a priest in "Priest," and caps the delicate "Love Song" with the blunt admission, "I have herpes." A ditty called "Superhero" makes a great centerpiece, in which Lynch sounds like a pre-school teacher invoking the marvels of such make-believe characters as "Awesome Man" and "Immigration Dude." (Lynch also does his impression of a bong during the bit.) Fellow funnyman Mark Teich joins Lynch on several tunes, including "D&D," an anthem to the geek universe of Dungeons and Dragons. --Tom Keogh

WATCH Stephen Lynch - Live at The El Rey ONLINE BY CLICKING HERE!

If you love watching Stephen Lynch (II) or Mark Teich, you are deffinetly going to want to watch Stephen Lynch - Live at The El Rey.

Stephen Lynch - Live at The El Rey was an incredible movie! Both Stephen Lynch (II) and Mark Teich were amazing! The great cast includes Stephen Lynch (II), Mark Teich, Drew Lynch, Steve Lynch.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Stephen Lynch - Live at The El Rey ONLINE!

Watch A Preview Of Stephen Lynch - Live at The El Rey

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