Yo Quiero Ser Tonta - Internet Movie Downloads
Yo Quiero Ser Tonta was an incredible movie! Both ngel Garasa and Sara Garcia were amazing! Maybe thats what makes the movie so good.The great cast includes ngel Garasa, Sara Garcia, Rosita Quintana, Gustavo Rojo, Fernando Soler. The movie moves on like a dream and end leaving you wanting for more.
If you love watching ngel Garasa or Sara Garcia, you are deffinetly going to want to watch Yo Quiero Ser Tonta.
Click Here To Download Yo Quiero Ser Tonta Online!
El peluquero Don Chema (Fernando Soler), esposo de Doa Atilana (Sara Garca), est entusiasmado ante la perspectiva de que su hijo Juan se convierta en un gran torero y su hija Lupita en una hermosa cantante de zarzuela. La sensata Atilana se enfada cuando ve que su hija solamente ha conseguido modelar trajes de bao, pero los sueos de Don Chema son alentados por su amigo el tamalero andaluz Carpanta, quien se da la gran vida gracias a su hija Lul, que trabaja en un cabaret como rumbera. Don Chema is a barber who is married to Doa Atilana. Chema dreams of having his son Juan become a famous bullfighter and his daughter Lupita a beautiful singer of Spanish operetta. Sensible Atilana is annoyed by the fact that her daughter has managed only to model bathing suits, but Chema's dreams are stoked by his Spanish friend Carpanta, the tamale vendor, who lives the high life thanks to his daughter, who works in a nightclub as a rumba dancer
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